Beauty Breaks Through

Beauty Breaks Through

I stirred in the blackness, a restless night of sleep. Groggy and dazed, I checked my phone to see if it was reasonable to get up, and read a push notification from BBC News that Christina Grimmie had been shot and killed in Orlando. All I wanted was to sleep through...
Thanks, Dad

Thanks, Dad

As the staff of The Jesuit Post reflected on Father’s Day, we realized that our fathers have shared with us their wisdom, humor, and examples. These both formed the servants we are, and the men we hope to be. Here is a list of the some of the treasured moments and...
Worth Reading: “Bent Body, Lamb”

Worth Reading: “Bent Body, Lamb”

“The last time I tell anyone I don’t believe in God is the summer before ninth grade. My mother and I are lying in my parents’ bed, still awake at three a.m.” This is how Molly McCully Brown begins “Bent Body, Lamb”, her gentle howl of an essay that I am here to tell...
Prayer During Tragedy

Prayer During Tragedy

Embed from Getty Images Events in our national life are often sadly familiar. That is certainly true of the Orlando shootings this past weekend. Mass violence. Contentious claims about Islam and domestic terrorism. The nation briefly rallying in solidarity. Prayers,...
The Voice in My Throat

The Voice in My Throat

The phone in my cubicle rings. It’s a loud sort of ring because the phone is ancient, one step above a rotary phone. I answer the call in the usual way, “UMKC cashier’s office, how can I help you?” The tone of my voice hovers between professional and courteous, which...
Reality, “Lost Boys,” & Hope

Reality, “Lost Boys,” & Hope

Recently, I’ve discovered the song “Lost Boys” by Ruth B.: I’ve been obsessed with the song; Ruth B’s voice is beautiful; and the song can be hauntingly sad.  Some sadness comes from a re-thinking of the Peter Pan story — what does it mean to be a “lost boy”?...
A Prayer for Orlando

A Prayer for Orlando

In the face of grief and uncertainty, we do well to pray for light and Christian hope.  When our own words fail, and our hearts are heavy, Saint Francis’ Prayer for Peace rises in our hearts: Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; where there is hatred, let...
Education in America: What We Agree to Ignore

Education in America: What We Agree to Ignore

Consensus is a difficult thing, we’re told, all but impossible to come by as our political climate continues to warm. Republican initiatives are threatened with veto and presidential proposals promise to be met with filibuster or, if necessary, government shutdown....
Hamilton on Repeat

Hamilton on Repeat

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve listened to the Hamilton soundtrack, I would almost be able to afford tickets to this year’s hottest show on Broadway.1 I first listened to it on a plane ride in January. Since then, I have listened to some part, if not the...