Real Parents

Real Parents

You’re not my real parents. I said that to them at least once in my life. I followed the comment by running away from home, a slammed door followed by a short jaunt down Lola Drive with my blankee tied up on a yard stick and filled with GI Joe action figures...
Find Your Olympic Obsession

Find Your Olympic Obsession

The torch has traveled around the world. Patriotism becomes in vogue. National team shirts, hats, and pins become fashionable. News stations begin reporting medal counts as if they were the DOW or NASDAQ. Our Olympic obsession begins. Certainly, the Olympics are one...
Kill ‘Em with [Passive Aggressive] Kindness

Kill ‘Em with [Passive Aggressive] Kindness

I’m not entirely sure how it happened, but it took me far too long to realize that my Spotify had been playing Selena Gomez’s “Kill ‘Em With Kindness” on loop for nearly an hour. In listening, I found that I immediately loved it. Then I had mixed feelings. And...
Prayer: There’s an App for That

Prayer: There’s an App for That

Jesuits can often sound like broken records. We like to call schools and parishes “Ignatius” or “Loyola” — or, if we’re feeling wild, “Xavier.” We love to repeat phrases such as “men (and women) for others” or “finding God in all things.” And if you have ever attended...
Sinner & Saint, Hero & Antihero

Sinner & Saint, Hero & Antihero

For at least a month now I’ve had concrete plans to attend D.C. Comics’s Suicide Squad. To be honest though, I’ve been talking about Suicide Squad since the beginning of this year. I’m excited for its release because it seems to fall into the vein of movies and series...
Finding Freedom Amidst Fear

Finding Freedom Amidst Fear

I stood in the Jewish cemetery, Roman Collar tight around my neck, yarmulke resting unstably atop my head in the summer breeze. The sounds were tragic – the grind of a shovel hitting rock-filled dirt. The dull thud of that dirt hitting the top of a simple...