Finding Peace on YouTube

Finding Peace on YouTube

If I were lost in the woods, I would probably die after a few hours. I know nothing about wilderness survival. Fortunately, I know someone who does. Well, kinda know. I’ve never met him. He lives in Australia. I live in Boston. But I watch his incredible skills on...
Four Reasons NOT to Read This Article

Four Reasons NOT to Read This Article

“Four Reasons NOT to Read This Article” sounds like a title meant to provoke your interest.  It is.1 But aside from that, not reading another article online is probably good advice.   Let me explain. One recent weekend morning, I spent five hours consuming...
TJP Reads: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

TJP Reads: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

When Jon Stewart announced that Trevor Noah was going to take over The Daily Show in fall of 2015, my first reaction was “who the heck is Trevor Noah?” He wasn’t a regular correspondent so I wasn’t too familiar with him.  And, not being too eager to overdo my election...
Postmarked Pauses

Postmarked Pauses

I found a letter in my mailbox, my friend’s characteristic handwriting looping out our names in their appropriate places. I looked for all the “G”s; I always love to see how people write them, and she’s someone who has to write them as much as I do. To: GG, From: GG....
Truth First, Then Reconciliation

Truth First, Then Reconciliation

Despite having just had eight years with our first (and only) Black president, racism continues to shape so much of the reality in our country. We can see this in the continuing gaps in wealth, education, and incarceration that in some cases have even widened. And so...
A Review of Unfortunate Events

A Review of Unfortunate Events

If you are interested in articles with happy endings, you would be better off reading something else. In this article, there is no happy ending, no happy beginning, and very little that is happy or spoiler-free in the middle. This is because not many happy things...
Being Black in White America

Being Black in White America

African-American History Month started yesterday. Founded in 1926 as an annual week in February, it was expanded in 1976 to encompass the entire month. Wasn’t one week enough? Do we need an entire month to acknowledge the presence of African-Americans in American...