Solidaridad con Honduras

Solidaridad con Honduras

Click here for English. [Nota del Editor: Se realizaron las elecciones presidenciales en Honduras el 26 de noviembre. Los resultados de las elecciones han sido cuestionados por varios fuentes locales e internacionales, y no se ha nombrado a ningún ganador oficial. P....
Solidarity with Honduras

Solidarity with Honduras

Haga clic aquí para español. [Editor’s Note: A general election was held in Honduras on November 26th. The results of the election have been called into question by numerous local and international sources, and no official winner has been named. Ismael Moreno, S.J.,...
Stop Using “Woke”!

Stop Using “Woke”!

Am I the only person tired of the word “woke”? Maybe it used to mean something, but the term seems to have devolved into a badge of coolness meant to be flaunted publicly. Don’t get me wrong: I have no problem with the original meaning of woke. After the tragic...