Gaudete et Exsultate: An Overview

Gaudete et Exsultate: An Overview

Pope Francis is often called a “man of Vatican II.” In his newly-released Gaudete et Exsultate, he offers a powerful magisterial reflection on the Council’s “universal call to holiness”: “Rejoice and be glad” (Mt 5:12), Jesus tells those persecuted or humiliated for...
Spring and Thank You

Spring and Thank You

Beyond where the fleets of buses rest on the weekends, every hill is heavy with winter. Layers tell the tale – light snow, freezing rain, blizzard, then light snow on the frozen top. The dry, yellow grasses hold the weight of the year’s storms. Sharp winds seem...
Help Save Felix Garcia From Deportation

Help Save Felix Garcia From Deportation

The nation has watched in wonder at the stunning success of Loyola University-Chicago’s basketball team and the media sensation that is Sister Jean. But a more serious story off campus has received less attention. Felix Garcia, a Guatemalan man who has lived in the...
The Comfort of Failure

The Comfort of Failure

There’s a common expression in Spanish that says, “el que no arriesga no gana” roughly translated to “the one who risks nothing, gains nothing.” Though it probably originated in the gambling industry, the phrase points to a greater truth in the human experience: being...