The Comfort of Failure

The Comfort of Failure

There’s a common expression in Spanish that says, “el que no arriesga no gana” roughly translated to “the one who risks nothing, gains nothing.” Though it probably originated in the gambling industry, the phrase points to a greater truth in the human experience: being...
March Magic: Loyola Chicago and Sister Jean

March Magic: Loyola Chicago and Sister Jean

On Saturday night, a curious thing happened.  A 98-year-old nun was the number one trending topic on Twitter.  Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt BVM, the chaplain of the Loyola Chicago men’s basketball team since 1994, has captured the attention of the nation. Maybe this is...
Maybe, There’s More to Serving

Maybe, There’s More to Serving

My left arm swung at a perfect arch, tracing the movement of a clock face, just passing the 10 o’clock mark. It’s in that moment that I realized several things: The set had been off, but my step forward before the jump compensated, precisely. My jump was perfectly...
Pope Francis: The Next 5 Years

Pope Francis: The Next 5 Years

Much has been written of Pope Francis’ past five years as pope. But what will his future look like? Here I consider the Church’s image; Church teaching; and institutional reforms.   Popular Perceptions of the Church There can be no question that Pope Francis has...