by Chris Williams, SJ | May 23, 2018 | Blogs, Catholic Writing, Faith & Family, Spirituality ~ Approx. 3 mins
I stir awake in the middle of the night to the sound of crying. I am sleeping in in the basement of my brother’s house, where my niece’s little stuffed animals and pink princess attire litter the floor. I am exhausted from the late night of my brother and...
by Ken Homan, SJ | May 21, 2018 | After College, Sports ~ Approx. 5 mins
Staying fit after college can feel impossible. The freshman fifteen continues to accumulate and leaves the journey to peak fitness an insurmountable climb. You’re busy trying to get steady work and affordable housing. The last thing you want is another element of...
by Michael Rossmann, SJ | May 20, 2018 | One-Minute Homily ~ Approx. 1 min
We may have a burning desire to do good, but our own concerns can extinguish the flame. In this One-Minute Homily for Pentecost, Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ reminds us that the Holy Spirit has to take the lead. We’re invited to go along for the ride.
by Jason Downer, SJ | May 15, 2018 | After College, Spirituality ~ Approx. 5 mins
In the little-known Broadway musical “Hamilton: An American Life” there is a song, One Last Time, in which George Washington is telling Alexander Hamilton how important it is to teach future Presidents how to say goodbye. During my years of working in Higher...
by David Paternostro, SJ | May 14, 2018 | Sexuality, TJP Reads, Youth Synod ~ Approx. 3 mins
Youth from across the world gathered this spring to create a document to help the upcoming Synod on Bishops understand their questions and concerns. Not surprisingly, they wanted “our leaders [to] speak in practical terms about controversial subjects such as...
by Emanuel Werner | May 13, 2018 | Spirituality ~ Approx. 1 min
How often are we like the Apostles at the Ascension: just staring and waiting for the world to change? In this week’s One-Minute Homily, Emanuel Werner, SJ, reminds us that we can’t just wait around. Based on the readings for Sunday, May 13, 2018, which...
by Aaron Malnick, SJ | May 13, 2018 | Art, Faith & Family ~ Approx. 1min
Judy Louise (Fiala) Malnick died of primary peritoneal cancer on December 8, 2014. Judy was a South Dakota farm girl, a blue ribbon pie winner, an inspirational poet, a church choir singer, a piano player, a marching band percussionist, a shorthand notetaker, an...
by Garrett Gundlach, SJ | May 9, 2018 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 4 mins
I never really got into YouTube. Then I met Brad. Maybe you’ve seen his show before– it’s called It’s Alive with Brad. And with Brad, YouTube started to come alive for me. Brad’s not your typical food guy on YouTube. He’s not an ultra-artisanal snob and he’s not...
by Edward Chow, SJ | May 7, 2018 | Faith & Politics ~ Approx. 4 mins
When you hear the word “California,” there are many words or images that might come to mind: the Golden Gate Bridge, sunny beaches, Hollywood, liberal… but I would guess that the word “Catholic” doesn’t rank high on that list. Yet, not only does California have more...
by Colten Biro | May 6, 2018 | Spirituality ~ Approx. 1 min
We are called by Jesus to remain in his love and to go love one another. Colten Biro, SJ, breaks open this meaning in this week’s One-Minute Homily based on the readings for Sunday, May 6, 2018, which you can read here: