The Wonder of the World Cup

The Wonder of the World Cup

I distinctly remember the day in 2001 when I fell in love with the game of soccer. It was the annual Fall Festival at my parish. It’s a popular event in the small town I grew up in as many other folks from different denominations would come support our parish and...
Service After College

Service After College

“Lord, break my heart, so the whole world can fall in.” These were the words the priest said during the opening mass at the initial orientation for the Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC). I had graduated from Santa Clara University a month before, and I had just flown away...
5 Binge-Worthy TV Series for the Summer

5 Binge-Worthy TV Series for the Summer

Call the Midwife:  The seven-season (and counting) British series tells the story of several midwives and is based on the journals of Nurse Jenny Lee (real life Jennifer Worth) who joins them to begin her career. Like most shows on this list, the main character...
Hail Mary

Hail Mary

The first time I met with my spiritual director after entering the Jesuits, he asked me how I pray. One of the things I mentioned was regularly rattling through Hail Marys. I told him that I tend to pray them throughout the day – on the bus, on walks, during...
This is America

This is America

The happenstance collision of Donald Glover’s music video and the new NFL rules about protesting the National Anthem reminded me of my America, the one I have experienced. Those who challenge the popularly-accepted narrative of America are pushed to the side,...