I am the Bread of Life: A Call to Jesus | One-Minute Homily

by | Aug 8, 2021 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

When Jesus proclaims that he is the bread of life, many leave him. Can we believe in the bread of life? Patrick St. Jean reflects on our call to believe in this week’s One-Minute Homily.

What is your favorite food?

Hi, my name is Patrick Saint-Jean. This is my one-minute reflection.

A friend recently asked me, what my favorite food is? I responded, “European breakfast, Caribbean lunch, and American dinner.” I would eat them every day if possible. They just satisfy me for a moment. After a couple of hours, I got hungry again.

Today, John invites us to meet God as the Bread of Life in Jesus. This is where Christ affirms that he is The Bread of life.

 Some of his disciples moved apart to try to gossip about Jesus’ affirmation. No one could believe him. 

That happens to me as well. Sometimes I just receive Jesus, just as I do my breakfast, lunch, or dinner; yet I continually forget to pray for the grace to believe that Jesus is God appearing as bread. 

May this now be my prayer: “God, help me to believe that you come to encounter me in Jesus Christ as the bread of life.”




Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ

psaintjeansj@thejesuitpost.org   /   All posts by Patrick
