In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, the landowner asks, “Are you envious because I am generous?” Jason Quino McCreery, SJ, reflects on the times when our envy prevents us from seeing the gifts that God has given to us. Based on the readings for...
Jesus tells Peter that he must be willing to forgive 77 times. That seems like a lot…until we think about how merciful God has been to us. Fr. David Romero, SJ, reflects on the boundless love and mercy of Jesus and how we need to be transformed by it in this...
Tensions continue to rise and many seem willing to start or jump into a fight. What do Jesus and Paul recommend? Love one another. Martin Ngo, SJ, reflects on our call to love God and neighbor in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday,...
When Jeremiah spoke the word of God, it wasn’t what people wanted to hear. Jason Quino McCreery, SJ, reflects on unwelcomed truths and that the message of God is not always what we expect. Based on the readings for Sunday, August 30, 2020. Have you ever heard...
Jesus asks a direct question of his disciples, “Who do the people say that I am? Who do you say that I am?” Ian Peoples, SJ, reflects on Peter’s answer and what it says about who we are. Based on the readings for Sunday, August 23, 2020. Hey! What’d...