Tebowing: a Reflection on Precision and Prayer

Tebowing: a Reflection on Precision and Prayer

During a recent visit to my hometown, I was intrigued (and more than a little amused) to note the amount of time and energy that my friends and family expended on their like and/or dislike of now infamous Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. Of course, these...
Hacking A Refrigerator

Hacking A Refrigerator

As a jaded western consumer, I’ve labored long under the delusion that I’d seen it all when it comes to advertising. Last night proved me wrong. In the face of budget shortfalls and ever decreasing usage (honestly, when’s the last time you used a stamp?)...
There’s No App for That

There’s No App for That

I am distressingly inept at discerning technological trends. “The DVD will never last,” I proclaimed confidently in the high school cafeteria. A few years later, I wondered aloud: “Blackberry? Who would want one?” I’ll even confess to encountering the iPad with more...
Home Safe: A Vision of Umpire Jesus (Part 2)

Home Safe: A Vision of Umpire Jesus (Part 2)

Occasionally as a kid I would stay out too late and find myself running home after dark filled with the anxious fear of a child’s overactive imagination. There were dogs in our neighborhood and they would bark and growl and defend their territory from behind the...
Christology Part 1: Ecce Homo

Christology Part 1: Ecce Homo

  In 1998 my friend Anime Emily gave me this tape that had a “mix” on one side and Athens, Georgia indie-rock band Neutral Milk Hotel’s album In the Aeroplane over the Sea on the other. I spent three weeks listening to the first two songs on Side A over and over...