by Andrew Milewski, SJ | Jan 27, 2021 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 3 mins
If you’re like me, you’re the kind of person who likes to be productive. Maybe you get up early to exercise, or you always finish your check list before leaving the office. Maybe you use those few moments of downtime to answer emails or respond to texts from friends...
by Tim Breen, SJ | Jan 21, 2021 | Film, Pop Culture, Spirituality ~ Approx. 5 mins
Warning: This article contains spoilers *** “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver This question echoed through my head as I watched Soul, Pixar’s latest film, which brings a little something for everyone:...
by Eric Immel, SJ | Jan 20, 2021 | Blogs, Prayers, Spirituality ~ Approx. 1min
Eternal God – We ask you to send forth your sweet and peace-filled Holy Spirit. Help it flow through us as we stand witness to a moment of transition. Help us to remember that today, as every day, the struggles of our world persist. It feels sometimes like the...
by Chris Williams, SJ | Jan 13, 2021 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 1min
Mere Discipleship Mere discipleship Sheds easy excuses, Burns hot and bright. All escapes slam shut. Merely strikes with the searing clarity Of a metallurgist’s mallet, Sparks flying Bending resistant, habit-bound, Rough hewn raw materials Into instruments of peace....
by Adam Bohan, SJ | Jan 6, 2021 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 3 mins
The well-known expression, from Shakespeare’s Othello, “to wear your heart on your sleeve” could aptly describe my first day in the cardiac intensive care unit as a student. Try as I might, the jitters brought on by the daunting thought of working with such fragility...