From the earliest eras of the Christian Church, July 22nd has been set aside as a day to remember and pray with Mary Magdalene. Forever honored by the Gospels as the first witness to the Resurrection, Jesus immediately tasked her with the mission of spreading this...
Gaze – Listening – UnderstandingA friendly gaze is the most humane way to be present in the life of those who are going through the harshness of deserts Attentive listening is the most disinterested way to be light in the lives...
In the crook on the crozier of my shoulder, a premature, newborn baby is sleeping; little tiny fingers cling to the adjoining bend of my collarbone. The sweetness nestled therein has found its tending. Like a sheep unto a shepherd, this one tends toward being tended...
On a hot summer afternoon, a brother Jesuit and I heaved one last bag full of clothes into the back of our minivan to make our annual donation to the local Goodwill. As I drove the minivan loaded with bags and boxes full of clothes, shoes, suitcases, and household...
Podcast Episode: In the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises, we focus on the risen Christ. He has passed through the suffering of the cross and entered into his glory. Desiring that others share his joy, he goes about consoling all who were deeply shaken by his...