I grieve we didn’t get to gather around a giant sacred fire and walk our candles into a darkened church to the sound of the Exultet. I grieve we didn’t get to don our flowered dresses and pastel-colored bow-ties and leave that same church singing full-throated with...
Warning: This article contains spoilers “ [Jesus] was in the wilderness with the wild beasts.”-Mark 1:13 Tiger King, Netflix’s docu-series about the life and crimes of former zoo operator Joe Exotic, has achieved mass appeal to the surprise of many. Perhaps the...
Who wouldn’t visit their mom after being away for a while? In the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius has us imagine Jesus visiting Mary, his mother, first after the resurrection. Take a moment to imagine the intense joy of this resurrection encounter. Happy...
On this Good Friday, let us ask for the grace that the pain of the cross may be our ‘wake up call’ to the pain of the world. I invite us to prayerfully reflect upon the images, lyrics and sounds of this music video I produced in response to this global pandemic. What...
In the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius invites us to imagine scenes from the gospel in our prayer. In this “composition of place,” we try to see the furnishings in a room, inhale the smells wafting in a market, hear the sound of the waves crashing on the sea...