Is God Punishing Us?

Is God Punishing Us?

“I can’t but help think God is punishing us,” my 87-year old great aunt from Rhode Island recently said to me over the phone. I was listening to her thick New England accent as we discussed a world shaken and upended by the Coronavirus. She then reminded me that in 10...
Pope Francis Says It’s Time for a More Amazonian Church, but That Doesn’t Mean Married Priests or Women Deacons

Pope Francis Says It’s Time for a More Amazonian Church, but That Doesn’t Mean Married Priests or Women Deacons

Surely, you’ve already seen the headlines and the great racket they made. Pope Francis released his response to the “Amazon Synod” last week, and (for now) he hasn’t addressed the two headline issues: married clergy and women deacons. You may be disappointed. You may...