What are some of the biggest moments of your life? For God, it was your baptism. Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, reflects on the Baptism of the Lord and the moment when we were brought into the family of God. Based on the readings for January 12, 2020. Top 10 lists are...
What is it that leads you closer to Christ? Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, reflects on the Epiphany, when the Magi were led to Jesus by a star. Based on the readings for January 5, 2019. Look up! Go on, look up! Can you find your star?! Hello! I’m Damian Torres-Botello...
The Holy Family went through a lot together. Eric Immel, SJ, reminds us that we too can model the Holy Family through prayer and perseverance. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 29, 2019. My grandma used to say, “a family that prays together stays together.”...
Advent is a time of waiting, but Jeff Ryan Miraflor SJ reminds us that we should also rejoice because we know what we’re waiting for. Check out this One-Minute Homily based on the readings for Sunday, December 15, 2019. Rejoice, the Lord is near! Rejoice! Hi,...
Advent is here and Jesus reminds us to be attentive and stay awake! Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, kicks off a brand new season and new look to the One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 1. It’s Advent! Stay awake! Let the waiting begin! Hello! I’m...