What are we waiting for? | One-Minute Homily

The Gospel of Mark doesn’t have an Infancy Narrative, but instead gets right into the action. Fr. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects on the urgency of this gospel and reminds us that we don’t need to wait to prepare for the Lord.

“The Point” of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

“The Point” of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson was published 135 years ago and its big reveal is well-known. Why read something when we already know the ending – the overall message? This entry in “Fantasy, Fiction, and Faith” addresses this as well as what Jekyll and Hyde can teach us about recognizing friendship, responsibility, and the nature of God’s love.

Going Back to Normal Can’t Be Going Back to How Things Were

Going Back to Normal Can’t Be Going Back to How Things Were

With all that’s happened in the past year, going back to normal can’t be a return to the way things were. That’s because the way things were wasn’t good enough. Everything looks different. Everything is saturated with a familiar unknown, and nothing has its place just yet. I need to be alert, to note how this newness feels, to take advantage of the ensuing energy.
