When Peter says, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man,” Jesus doesn’t obey. Thank God for that! Tucker Redding, SJ, reflects on Jesus’ response to our brokenness.
Being Creative Enough: Lessons from a Mexican Jesuit Parish on Vibrant Youth Ministry
In today’s environment, cultivating a vibrant youth ministry can feel like an uphill battle. Beto Guzmán, SJ shares insights from his work at a Mexican Jesuit parish, offering creative, hope-filled ways to make the Church a home for young people.
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part Two
What is at the heart of the Synod on Synodality? Dan Finucane, SJ, sits down with his father, theologian Dr. Dan Finucane, to discuss Dan SJ’s experience at the Synod on Synodality.
Sitting Down with My Dad to Talk About Synodality: Part One
What is at the heart of the Synod on Synodality? Dan Finucane, SJ, sits down with his father, theologian Dr. Dan Finucane, to discuss Dan SJ’s experience at the Synod on Synodality.
One-Minute Homily: Ash Wednesday
Why do people flock to church on Ash Wednesday? Check out the special Ash Wednesday edition of the One-MInute Homily from Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ. Based on the readings for Wednesday, February 14.
On Love in the Family
An interview on the promises and challenges of Amoris Laetitia
The Devotion of an Olympian
For the next two weeks in Pyeongchang, South Korea, the world will celebrate an athletic tradition which began near Mount Olympus in mainland Greece in honor of Zeus in 776 BCE. Athleticism at its finest reveals the tremendous potential of the human person to exercise...
Look Far: Remembering Ursula K. Le Guin
A Jesuit says farewell to a favorite author
Living Lent and Easter in China
Recent events in China remind us that hope in the Resurrection is sometimes all we have.
Music and Memory
Hearing a song can catapult you into another time. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, shares how music invites him to remember.