Jesus tells us that God is the God of the living. This is the source of our hope. Dan Finucane, SJ, reflects on how this hope can bring us new life.
Posts in Videos
Zacchaeus: Having Confidence in Jesus | One-Minute Homily
Sometimes we are like Zacchaeus and sometimes we are like the crowd. Are there times when we have blocked people from seeing Jesus? Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reflects on the story of Zacchaeus and having confidence in Jesus.
The Powerful Prayer of “Thank You” | One-Minute Homily
A simple, “Thank you,” can be a powerful prayer. Deacon Tim Breene, SJ, reflects on the importance of gratitude.
Our Faith Journey is Not a Solo Endeavor | One-Minute Homily
Our faith life is not something that we do alone. Brendan Gottschall, SJ, reminds us of the importance of relying on God and allowing others to hold us up.
Listen to God, then Take Action | One-Minute Homily
Is it enough to listen to God? Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reminds us that after we carefully listen to the word of God, we must put those words into action.
Learning to Hear the Music Over the Noise | One-Minute Homily
We are constantly surrounded by noise and it can be hard to get away from. Dan Finucane, SJ, reflects on the music behind the noise and asking for the faith to hear it.
Training Our Eyes: The Rich Man and Lazarus | One-Minute Homily
Do we recognize the needs of those around us? Sometimes we can be blind to those right in front of us. Deacon Tim Breen, SJ, reflects on the need for us to train our eyes in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, September 25, 2022....
Who Do We Serve? God or Mammon? | One-Minute Homily
God or Mammon? The choice might seem simple, but our actions might show that we don’t always put God and others first. Brendan Gottschall, SJ, reflects on the pitfalls of chasing after money and how we might refocus ourselves on God.
Returning to God for Healing and Mercy | One-Minute Homily
We know to go to a doctor when our body is injured. We need to turn to God when we’ve injured our souls. Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reflects on the healing power of God’s love and grace.
The Cost and Rewards of Discipleship | One-Minute Homily
Jesus does not hide the cost of discipleship. It will not always be easy, but it will be worth it. Dan Finucane, SJ, reflects on the cost and rewards of following Jesus.