Happy Easter! Today we celebrate that Jesus conquered sin and death so that we can have eternal life with him. Fr. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on how we can celebrate.
Posts in One-Minute Homily
Palm Sunday: The Work is not Done | One-Minute Homily
On Palm Sunday we celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and we hear the narrative of the Passion. Alex Hale, SJ, reminds us that in the joyful celebration of Palm Sunday, we can’t forget the work that is left to be done, including in our own hearts
Jesus Wept: A God Who is Like Us | One-Minute Homily
When Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus, he showed us that he is like us. Joe Nolla, SJ, reflects on the power of tears and laughter and how they reveal that Jesus shows us an image of God who cries with and for us.
Darkness Can Help Us Recognize the Light | One-Minute Homily
Sometimes moments of darkness can help us to trust and follow Jesus into the light. Christian Verghese, SJ, reflects on the story of the man born blind.
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover | One-Minute Homily
Like the woman at the well, we may not always realize when we are encountering Jesus. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on how we can open our eyes and hearts to recognize Jesus in those around us.
The Transfiguration: Recognizing Miracles | One-Minute Homily
Do we recognize the moments when God is revealed to us? Alex Hale, SJ, encourages us to recognize the Transfigurations that take place in our own lives.
Truth, Temptation, and the Prince of Lies | One-Minute Homily
Sometimes we can be tempted to believe a lie when it begins with the truth. Joseph Nolla, SJ, reflects on the tactics of the Devil in the temptation of Jesus.
Ash Wednesday: Sin and Mercy | One-Minute Homily
Today we begin the season of Lent, a time of penance. While it can be uncomfortable to think about our sins, Alex Hale, SJ, reminds us that this is also an opportunity to experience the great love and mercy of God.
Already and Not Yet Enough | One-Minute Homily
Jesus tells us to “be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Christian Verghese, SJ, reflects on how we live up to this calling.
We are Sinners, Loved by God | One-Minute Homily
It’s true, we’re sinners, but we are sinners loved by God. Fr. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on the importance of admitting our weakness and God’s mercy.