God’s Disruptions and Invitations | One-Minute Homily

by | Oct 15, 2023 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

A change in our plans can be frustrating, but sometimes a great invitation comes along that we can’t miss. Deacon Tom Elitz reminds us to be open to God disrupting our plans so that we don’t miss a great banquet. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 15, 2023.

It’s nice to have a plan in life. But God’s been known to disrupt our plans. And that’s Good News! 

Hi, I’m Deacon Tom Elitz, and this is my one-minute homily.

In today’s Gospel, a king prepares an abundant banquet, and then sends invitations to different members of his kingdom. But those invited are too caught up in their own plans to recognize the great feast that they are being offered.

So often, we get caught up in our own plans. We have a vision for our lives, and we expect things to go a certain way. But God often disrupts our plans, and invites us to an unexpected banquet – a banquet that we’ll miss if we’re too attached to our own plans and schemes.

So today’s Gospel invites us to hold onto our own plans loosely. And if God disrupts them, be ready to respond – we can have trust that a banquet awaits.

