Regarding Status and Opinion | One-Minute Homily

by | Oct 22, 2023 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

Whose status or opinion do we care about the most? Some said that Jesus did not regard anyone’s status or opinion, but Austin Kleman, SJ, reflects on how Jesus calls us to focus on what is most important. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 22, 2023.

Whose opinion do you care about the most? 

Hi, my name is Austin Kleman, and this is my one-minute reflection. 

Today we see the Herodians testing Jesus about the census tax, but they begin by claiming he does not regard a person’s status or opinion. How wrong they are, for Jesus is constantly concerned with the opinion of his heavenly Father, and he is always aware of the status of the poor and vulnerable. His mission is to fulfill the Father’s will and bring liberty to the lowly and captive. 

Sometimes we care too much about the opinions and status of some while disregarding others. I know I’ve done this.  Ignoring people experiencing homelessness, disrespecting my family or religious superior, or focusing on my needs instead of those around me. 

Therefore, I pose a challenge for us all: how are we being called to follow Christ’s example and care more about God’s opinion and the status of the vulnerable?



Austin Kleman, SJ   /   All posts by Austin
