With funeral processions visible in the streets, Conan reflects on the liturgical value of the song “Remember Me” from Coco.
Posts in Spirituality
Making Your Own Bible with Dr. Imani Perry
How a Catholic Princeton professor got me thinking about finding God in all things, especially literature, beginning with her own book.
Who do you love? Does that frighten you?
As Christians, we know that it all boils down to love. Sometimes that can be a comfort, but what about when it’s scary?
God’s Love is Like a Grandchild’s
On the Feast of All Souls, many people fondly remember their deceased grandparents. For Billy, that experience of boundless love for an elder helped break through a distracting period of prayer.
Why my Favorite Newspaper Section is the Wedding Announcements
Wedding stories often show how a couple overcame obstacles in their relationship. Philip shares how the First week of the Spiritual Exercises helped transform his understanding of obstacles in his relationship with God.
Skeptical of synodality? I saw how much we need it in Belize this summer.
Immersed in an unfamiliar culture in Central America, William found his eyes opened to the gift of synodality Pope Francis keeps insisting we must inculcate throughout the Church.
Jesuit 101: A Loved Sinner, The First Week of the Spiritual Exercises
In the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius wants us to focus on the reality of sin in the world and in ourselves. This helps us to recognize God’s great mercy and to see ourselves as sinners loved by God.
Restlessness is a gift, lean into the discomfort and let God find you.
With his latest music release, Aric channels St. Augustine to try and understand the gnawing feeling inside.
A Deacon’s Diary: My Name is Damian…and I Finally Have Health Insurance!
In his first installment of this season’s Deacon’s Diary, Damian introduces himself and offers a glimpse into the adventure called life.
I wouldn’t be a Jesuit if it weren’t for St. Francis of Assisi
On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Mark reflects on the ways Franciscan spirituality seeded and nurtured his Jesuit vocation.