Going home for Thanksgiving? Dreading discussing the election with your family? Danny Gustafson, SJ is here to help.
Posts in Spirituality
5 Steps to Discover Your Calling
Everyone has a vocation. Brendan Busse, SJ offers five steps for anyone trying to discover their own call.
A Change Gonna Come
In response to the recent election, Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, realizes change is painful but necessary.
You Think I’m Terrible, Don’t You!
Colten Biro, SJ doesn’t struggle with expectations that others set for him, but with those impossible expectations he sets for himself.
Why Elections are Unserious
Election Day is tomorrow. Is America done for? Brendan Gottschall, SJ, gives some good news.
I Call It Like I See It
Garrett Gundlach, SJ was recruited to announce his school’s Friday football games. Somehow he hasn’t been fired yet.
Halloween 2016: Year of the Female Superhero
What’s in a costume? How about gender norms.
Riches, Honor, Pride…and Trump
Perhaps Donald J. Trump — and Michael Rossmann, SJ — could learn something from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
Accepting Help to Heal the Heart
Getting old is a bummer. Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ wrestles with imperfection and a new reality: medication.
Why I Love Jury Duty
Civic duty or civic “opportunity”? How I think about it changes the experience, writes Michael Rossmann, SJ.