David Inczauskis, SJ, beholds Ariana Grande’s Manchester performance and envisions a Christian response to terrorism
Posts in Spirituality
Making Friends and Saying Goodbyes
Is friendship worth it when you know pain and goodbyes are inevitable?
I Want You Back: On Asking for Forgiveness
Ever feel that nagging sense of inadequacy that comes with procrastination? Eric Immel, SJ explains how that feeling might actually propel him to a great day.
Hopes for Priestly Life: Credibility, Friendship, Honesty
At the doorstep of ordination to the priesthood, Joe Simmons, SJ names three desires for life as a priest…
An Impressive Break
Goodbyes can break hearts. In the midst of moving out of New York City, Andrew Hanson, SJ hopes the break heals soon.
How to Be All of Me
Damian Torres-Botello, SJ recently spoke to LGBTQIA+ students from Jesuit universities. He learned that sometimes, it takes a community to begin asking questions and seeking answers.
TJP Video: Jesuit Mother’s Day 2017
Jesuits wish a Happy Mother’s Day to their Mothers around the country and the globe. AMDG!
What Mom Taught Me About Mother’s Day
What makes Mom so important?
The Guesswork of Doing Good
It’s hard to know if our work does any good, but Colten Biro, SJ, reflects that sometimes there’s goodness in the guesswork of simply trying.
John Jesus Muhammad Eric Clapton ________
Eric Immel, SJ recently met a man who claimed to have five names. The fifth remains a mystery.