What do we do with the takeoffs and landings of stress in our lives? Colten Biro, SJ, looks back at a recent flight and the example of children.
Posts in Spirituality
Can You Download Happiness?
After his favorite video game series decides to charge for extra content, Sean Barry, SJ reflects on the brevity of bliss.
Free and Brave
After rereading the lyrics of ‘The Star Spangled Banner,’ Eric Immel SJ discovers a new question worth answering.
On Pentecost, Puns, and My Pops
June contained Pentecost and Father’s Day. Andrew Hanson, SJ celebrated both at his dad’s retirement party.
Giving in to Birthdays
Against the backdrop of birthday scroogery, Garrett Gundlach SJ makes his case for taking the bus.
TJP Video: Father 2 Father
Watch what some newly ordained Jesuit ‘Fathers’ had to say to their ‘Fathers’ on Father’s Day 2017.
“You’re just like your dad…”
I knelt in the front pew, watching the rest of the congregation pass by to receive Communion. I had spent a majority of the Mass quietly crying off-and-on. As my dad walked by, he smiled and warmly patted me on the cheek, tears running down his own face. I felt as if...
For My Father, With Love
Parents change. As Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, considers that change, he realizes that he has discovered the prayer of his father.
Devotion to Mary: An Unsafe Path?
The path is not safe, but, surprisingly, it is leading me to discover that Jesus actually wants me to be happy.
I Go Back There Often
Looking out on a familiar scene, Colten Biro, SJ savors those memories that take us back.