This episode focuses on how we stay on the path to God through discernment and the people that we walk with on the journey.
Posts in Spirituality
This Quarantined Holy Week I’m Thinking of a Brother Jesuit in Jail
“What is truth?” Pilate will ask Jesus. And, Jesus will answer with his life. I’ve been thinking this week about a Jesuit brother of mine who has been sitting in jail in Brunswick, Georgia, for the last two years trying to do the same: answer with his life.
The Second Week (Part 1): Why We Walk This Path | Seeking God: A Jesuit Retreat
The Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises is split into two episodes. This first one focuses on why we walk this particular path on our journey of faith, and not another.
How to Celebrate the Easter Triduum at Home
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, public Church services have been prohibited around the country. But that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the richness of the Easter Triduum this week. Here are some free liturgical guides to celebrating Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday exactly where you are: at home. These liturgical guides are based on the Roman Missal and include prayers, readings, and rituals with easy to follow directions. Download the guides today!
Introduction to the Journey of Faith | Seeking God: A Jesuit Retreat
Join us for our online preached retreat, based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Brian Strassburger, SJ, will guide us through themes of the exercises and offer resources for prayer and reflection. This is the first of six talks that will be...
When I’m Anxious, Worried, and Uncertain I Pray, and Here is My Prayer
I know that from struggle will come new life, because I believe the resurrection is always the new beginning after any heavy cross. And it is with this cross that I come to the altar where Your arms are open wide.
#UntilNextTime: Why Your Next 3-day Weekend Should Be Spent in Montgomery, Alabama
My timely prayer is that no memorial like the National Memorial for Peace & Justice of the Equal Justice Initiative need be made ever again. With the racism now being perpetuated against Asians as a result of COVID-19, I will be praying all the more.
A Religious’ Letter to Quarantined Catholics
When Church doors are closed to laity and the sacraments aren’t available, it can appear as if the Catholic Church has stopped doing what it was meant to do. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, a Jesuit religious reflects on the Church which is still working and is still very much alive.
Facing Death and Finding Hope in Light of COVID-19
The outbreak of COVID-19 has reminded the world, young and old alike, that we will face our own death someday. For many of us, this fear has never been more immediate. But the mystery of our Christian faith tells us that death doesn’t have the final word. How can our faith help us to find hope even amid the fear and anxiety of the current pandemic?
When I’m Social Distancing I Need Christ: Resources to Finding God During the Coronavirus Pandemic
In this moment of our history, the places where people would seek solace, tenderness and mercy, those doors have been closed. All for the safety of the community, indeed, and yet the void of these sacred spaces is quite felt.