Today we begin the season of Lent, a time of penance. While it can be uncomfortable to think about our sins, Alex Hale, SJ, reminds us that this is also an opportunity to experience the great love and mercy of God.
Posts in One-Minute Homily
Already and Not Yet Enough | One-Minute Homily
Jesus tells us to “be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Christian Verghese, SJ, reflects on how we live up to this calling.
We are Sinners, Loved by God | One-Minute Homily
It’s true, we’re sinners, but we are sinners loved by God. Fr. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on the importance of admitting our weakness and God’s mercy.
You are the Light of the World | One-Minute Homily
You are the light of the world! How do we share that light with others? Alex Hale, SJ, reflects on ways that we can distract from the light and how we can make sure that it shines bright.
Unlikely Messengers: God Chose the Foolish | One-Minute Homily
Are there people that don’t want to hear us? Are there people that we don’t want to hear? Joe Nolla, SJ, reminds us that God chooses the unlikely messengers to preach the Good News. We are meant to both preach and listen.
Faith like a Fisherman | One-Minute Homily
What was Jesus looking for in his disciples? What does he look for in us? Fr. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on the faith of the fishermen that Jesus called to be disciples.
Building a Friendship with God | One-Minute Homily
Do we ever turn to God as a servant to a master or a child to a parent? God is looking for something more. Christian Verghese, SJ, reflects on building a friendship with God.
Epiphany of the Lord: All for One, One for All | One-Minute Homily
The visit of the Magi reminds us that Jesus came into the world for all people. Fr. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on how we can live this out by showing love to all.
Hope of the Shepherds and all the Unseen | One-Minute Homily
The shepherds of the Gospel worked tirelessly with little recognition. Have you ever felt the same? As we begin this New Year, Alex Hale, SJ, invites us to experience the joy of the shepherds, the joy of encountering Jesus.
Merry Christmas! Spreading the Joy | One-Minute Homily
The angels and shepherds spread the joy of the birth of Jesus. Now, we must do the same. Merry Christmas!