Bill McCormick and Dan Dixon ask five critical questions after the big weekend in South Carolina and Nevada.
Posts in Current Events
Lenten Politics
Lucas Sharma reflects on the tensions between following his favorite political candidate and observing Lenten practices.
#TBT: Labor Rights and Jesuit Schools
As Jesuit universities face unionization among adjunct faculty, Ken Homan argues they should reconnect with their mission – and history.
In Memoriam: Antonin Scalia
Our own Nathaniel Romano SJ, reflects on the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
Bey Came to Slay: Black Liberation at the Super Bowl Halftime Show
The Spirit came to proclaim liberty to captives and bring eyesight to the blind. Perry Petrich S.J. sees in Beyoncé one fierce vessel of grace.
New Hampshire 2016: Five Things We Learned
Dan Dixon and Bill McCormick offer five thoughtful take-aways from the primary in New Hampshire. Thanks to them, you’ll be the smartest person at the water cooler on Ash Wednesday…
Iowa 2016: Five Things We Learned
TJP’s resident political analyst Bill McCormick, SJ gives us five lessons we learned from the 2016 Iowa Caucus.
The Iowa Caucus: Just What We Need
The Iowa Caucus might seem a little ridiculous, but Michael Rossmann explains how it might be just what we need.
New York Values
Alex Placke, SJ rises to the defense of the Big Apple.
Waiting for Hope: Obama’s Last State of the Union
Obama will be gone soon, but our problems remain. Bill McCormick, SJ explains what we can do about it in 2016.