One of the Olympic traditions is following a sport, an athlete, or even the medal count with a nearly religious devotion. TJP offers a few recommendations.
Posts in Current Events
Waging Peace Through Friendship
World Friendship Day sounds like a Hallmark gimmick, but Michael Rossmann, SJ describes its importance and explains what helps global friendships happen.
Politics and God, Part II: Catholic and Democrat?
Bill McCormick, SJ asks, is the Catholic Church and Democratic party moving back together, or continuing to part ways?
More Than Spanish: 7 Things a VP Candidate Might Learn From a Year of Service Abroad
Hillary Clinton announced Jesuit-educated Tim Kaine as her running mate last weekend and the media went wild. Brendan Busse, SJ shines some light on what the popular stories are missing.
Mercy: What the World Needs Now
The world is a broken place. In describing one act of worship and mercy, Dan Everson, SJ shows that this is just what we need.
Politics and God, Part I: Catholic and Republican?
In this season of national conventions, Bill McCormick, SJ asks us to consider our religious and political affiliations. How can one be both a “good Catholic” and a good member of one’s political party?
An Interview with Stand Together Against Trump (STAT) Founder
With all eyes on Cleveland this week as it hosts the GOP Convention, Michael Rossmann, SJ interviews a Cleveland resident who founded a group organizing protests against Donald Trump.
For Your Goodness – A Prayer of Gratitude in Trying Times
In the wake of recent tragedies, Brendan Busse, SJ finds himself praying for the goodness of things.
When Canaries Can’t Breathe: Sotomayor’s Justice from Below
“The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.” So wrote Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in his magisterial treatment, The Common Law, nearly 140 years ago. More and more, it becomes apparent that so much of our legal system --...
In Living Color: I Am Not Black
Damian Torres-Botello, SJ is not African-American, but he is a man of color, and this is what this moment in our history says to him.