The Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises is all about getting to know Jesus. Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, guides us through how we get to know Jesus as a role model and a friend in this week’s episode of the Intro to the Spiritual Exercises. Who’s somebody that you...
Every morning as the sun begins to rise over the Kanuku Mountains just east of St. Ignatius Mission, twenty or so indigenous Guyanese faithful, from infants to elders, sit in their usual pews praying quietly. They all stand as Auntie Eva strikes the rusty metal...
Jesus never actually told us to believe in ourselves, but to believe in something, someone much greater than ourselves. Uli Covarrubias, SJ, reminds us how we truly achieve greatness in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for October 6, 2019....
Back in July, I tried to excavate the part of the Pan-Amazonian Synod working document that seems to cause the most anxiety for some: the ordination of married men. While this and other concerns about the agenda have been circulating, they are in large part...
The First Week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius can be intense. We are reminded that we are sinners…but this is to remind us of the great love and mercy of God. Join Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, as we continue to explore the Spiritual Exercises of St....
The Bible asks me to welcome the stranger. My dad, however, always told me to lock the doors at night. The Bible often exhorts to go above and beyond our duty of giving to others what is due and invites us to love God’s people. However, we still lock our doors at...
Jesus gives us a warning not to neglect the poor through the story of Lazarus and the rich man. Br. Ken Homan, SJ, reminds us to keep this in mind with migrants and refugees in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Prepared for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees...
The Legend of Zelda series has entranced people for nearly thirty-five years since the original game released on the NES. Last Friday, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening was released on the Nintendo Switch. A remake of the original 1993 Gameboy game of the same...
St. Ignatius knew that we have to build ourselves on a firm foundation. This week Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, helps us to understand St. Ignatius’ First Principle and Foundation. You know, a lot of us learn from a relatively young age the importance of building on a...
We can all be like the dishonest steward from time to time. Juan Ruiz, SJ, reminds us that we are always called to admit and amend our mistakes in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, September 22, 2019. Jesus always admires us when...