Advent is a time of preparation and growth. Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, reminds us that we need to examine our lives and “check our roots” in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for December 8, 2019. Are you bearing good fruit? If not, you...
When I was growing up, my mom used to make a point about switching our normal weekend Mass attendance during Advent from Sunday mornings to Saturday evenings. She would say that there is something about attending Mass in the dark that helps us feel the season of...
When I share my vocation story, I reference three people who asked me, “Matt, have you ever thought about being a Jesuit?” Three people, at three different moments, each knowing me well, posed a question I never asked myself. After the third “ask”, I decided that I...
Warning: this review contains spoilers. Last week, Frozen 2 hit the big screen. The story takes place three years after the original tale, which means the characters are more mature. Elsa has come to accept her powers and Anna is not the lovestruck teenager she was...
Advent is here and Jesus reminds us to be attentive and stay awake! Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, kicks off a brand new season and new look to the One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 1. It’s Advent! Stay awake! Let the waiting begin! Hello! I’m...
Some people have lovely Thanksgivings with perfectly trimmed turkeys, eaten in reasonable portions, and lit expertly for a picturesque Instagram. This prayer is for everyone else. All-seeing God, It’s a chore to dine with these people. Every time I go home, I’m...
(Haga clic aqui para español.) On October 13, two months after the deadly shooting at a Walmart in the city of El Paso, bishop Mark Joseph Seitz published a pastoral letter about racism from the standpoint of the people in the borderlands: Night Will Be No More, A...
(Click here for English.) El pasado 13 de octubre, dos meses después del mortal tiroteo en un Walmart de la ciudad de El Paso, el obispo Mark Joseph Seitz publicó una carta pastoral sobre el racismo desde el punto de vista de las tierras fronterizas: Noche Ya No...
Ignatius tells us that we have to choose which king we will serve. To serve Christ the king is to be a prophet. David Inczauskis, SJ, reflects on this call in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, November...
Sometimes I catch myself doing the “Autopilot” Our Father: my lips are moving; sound is coming out; I might even be presiding at Mass, but because I’ve said this prayer a million times, my mind can go blank when praying the Lord’s Prayer. I can forget that this is...