Pope Francis released his latest apostolic exhortation today: Querida Amazonia, a follow up to the “Amazon Synod”, or Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian Region, which was held in October 2019. The full text (24 pages) shows how the Holy Father understands the...
What are your gifts and how do you use them? Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, reminds us to be courageous with our gifts so that we can “give light to all.” Based on the readings for Sunday, February 9, 2020. What good is a match if you don’t light it? Hi, I’m Fr Joe...
Warning: This article contains spoilers. 1917 is arguably one of the best war films to come out in a long time, and it has 2 Golden Globes awards and 10 Oscar nominations to prove it. All these awards and nominations recognize the movie’s uniqueness. For one thing,...
“Bro – you gotta check your gear – the Packers got destroyed by the Niners! You must feel like a real loser cheering for them!” Up until that moment, I didn’t feel like a loser any more than I normally do, but as we all know, things can change in an...
What are some of the most common Jesuit words and phrases that you hear in Jesuit institutions? Brian Strassburger, SJ, and Tucker Redding, SJ, list our top 7 and break down their deeper meaning in this episode of Ask...
How is the Holy Spirit calling you? Damian Terres-Botello, SJ, recounts how the Holy Spirit led Simeon to Jesus and encourages all of us to keep the same guidance. Based on the readings for Sunday, February 2, 2020. If it’s good for the Holy Spirit then it’s good for...
Economic inequality is growing and becoming ever more entrenched, and the South Korean film, Parasite demonstrates viscerally and compellingly the peril of this trend. The film’s primary focus is on a lower-class family, the Kims, and how socio-economic inequality...
Bow your head to the God who made you. Accept the commandments Forged on Mt. Sinai. Or, will you build a golden calf To be everything you want? Will you turn back to Egypt, Where you were enslaved, And where you had cucumbers, leeks, melons, and garlic? 1 Or, will you...
What does it mean to be Catholic and attend the March for Life? It is not a question many had to ask until recently. The right to life has always been at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching (CST). It is integral to what is called the “Consistent Ethic of Life,”...
“We should be willing to act as a balm for all wounds.”- Etty Hillesum How do we remember traumatic events of the past? Richard Kearney, a philosophy professor at Boston College, asked this question with specific reference to the Shoah.1 It is a poignant question,...