Imagine it’s Christmas morning again. You reach into your stocking and pull out a hefty lump of clay. Directions are attached. Step 1: Make clay figures of the most important people in your life. You may sculpt parents, partners, children, friends, coworkers, ex’s,...
[Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers for Wonder Woman 1984] Wonder Woman 1984 is the fourth on-screen outing for Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman. In each previous movie, she has faced ultra-powerful, god-like monsters, but this time the true opponent...
What do you hope for? Simeon and Anna were holding out hope to see the Messiah and their hope was realized in the baby Jesus. Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on hope and the great Hope of Jesus Christ. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 27, 2020. What are you...
Merry Christmas from the Jesuit Post! The cry of a baby reminds us of their presence in our lives. Today we celebrate Jesus Christ making himself known to us through the cry of a newborn baby. Matt Stewart, SJ, delivers this special Christmas Day One-Minute Homily. Of...
I expected a look of shock, and maybe some tears. At the very least I thought he’d wince. My hand was shaking a little. What would he think? There’s no way he’d remember this, right? I knew I would though. *** I met my friends when we were freshmen in college. By the...
Sometimes we feel more comfortable giving gifts rather than receiving them. Hunter D’Armond, SJ, reflects on Mary and how we need to humbly receive God’s grace before we are able to give to others. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 20, 2020. Why...
“Mr. Braithwaite, today I want to pray for my mom because she took my phone last night and I was really bored and I pray that she gives me my phone back tonight.” A quick follow-up: “I also want to pray that she gets her phone back because I tried to call her ten...
The one percent who run major corporations doesn’t seem to be a virtuous lot. So, why would Pope Francis and the Vatican announce an alliance with some of the richest business leaders in the world? The Council for Inclusive Capitalism announced last week that they...
Is it too early to be joyful? Fr. Matt Stewart, SJ, reflects on what it means to be joyful, even when we are still waiting for the Lord. Based not the readings for Sunday, December 13, 2020. “Joy to the world, the Lord has come!” What? Too soon? I’m Father Matt...
Sitting in my warm room, it’s difficult for me to get the motivation to brave the cold. Even running down the road to the local grocery can feel like a burden. Yet, as I pray over the Gospels, I am reminded of the effort and resolve demanded of people who wanted to be...