Talk 3: How Can this Be? The Early and Hidden Years of Jesus’ Life | Live the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat

Talk 3: How Can this Be? The Early and Hidden Years of Jesus’ Life | Live the Questions: A Holy Week Retreat

Podcast Episode: Also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and everywhere you get podcasts. This episode considers the question, “How can this be?” It hearkens Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel, and begins our entry into the Second Week of the Spiritual...
On The Southern Border, Sr. Liz Sjoberg Says She is “Working With, Not For” the People of God

On The Southern Border, Sr. Liz Sjoberg Says She is “Working With, Not For” the People of God

Eight years ago, Pope Francis gave us the now familiar image of the Church as a “field hospital.” He said what “the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity.” Sr. Liz Sjoberg’s story and...