Earlier this fall, I found myself in Seattle for the annual conference of the American Political Science Association. I was not the only Jesuit involved in this conference— there were three of us among about 5000 scholars attending either in-person or virtually. My...
Are you ready? Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ, reflects on the theme of preparation in Advent by remembering what it was like to joyfully wait for his grandmother. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 5, 2021. Are you ready? Hi, my name is Patrick Saint-Jean and this is...
Why did Jesus come among us? How did it happen? There are lots of ways we can try and answer those questions. So, let’s try. The Gospel in One Verse Being a kid from Green Bay, I got to go to lots of Packers games with family and friends, and I watched a lot of...
The following reflection is part of our “Jesuit 101” series, celebrating the Ignatian Year. This piece helps us to dive deeper into Ignatian Discernment. To learn more about this discernment, check out our explainer article: “Jesuit 101: Finding Our Way Through...
I was a musical theater kid growing up, listening to shows until I knew them by heart, staring at tiny production photos in the booklet that came nestled between the two CDs in original cast recordings. It wasn’t just the music for me — the stories, the crafting of...
Last May I released a song called “Tell Me Who I Am.” The song offers a candid insight into my mind at a time of deep interior wrestling. I found myself unable to shake a feeling of deep insecurity. This was so much more than a lack of confidence in my abilities. It...
I worked as a landscaper one summer, and I will not be disappointed if I do not have to mow a lawn again. My boss taught me to change the direction of cutting each week. If one week was horizontal, the next would be vertical. If one week was diagonal bottom left to...
Advent is here! The readings for the beginning of Advent focus on the end times, which can be concerning, but Doug Jones, SJ, reflects on the joy of waiting for the Lord. Based on the readings for Sunday, November 28, 2021. The Lord is coming soon! Hi, I’m Doug Jones,...
The following reflection is part of our “Jesuit 101” series, celebrating the Ignatian Year. This piece helps us to dive deeper into Ignatian Discernment. To learn more about this discernment, check out our explainer article: “Jesuit 101: Finding Our Way Through...
On April 9th, 2019, I stopped drinking alcohol. It had become more than a social pastime and was affecting my sleep, mood, work and relationships. It became clear to me in prayer that alcohol was hindering my life. Soon after I stopped drinking, I realized I needed a...