In Living Color: I Am Not Black

In Living Color: I Am Not Black

I am a person of color. But I am not Black. I am a person of color and I believe in God. But I am not Black. I am a person of color who contributes to The Jesuit Post. I feel I should articulate and reflect upon my indignation. But I am not Black. And, what...
Yes, I saw a grizzly.  But there’s more.

Yes, I saw a grizzly.  But there’s more.

Yeah, it would be cool to see one, I thought to myself, pulling my unshowered hair into a bun in the campsite bathroom. As I brushed my teeth I studied the warning signs posted above the hand dryer: “Be Bear Aware!”, right next to a more amusing buffalo sign, complete...
Frederick Douglass & Rethinking the Fourth

Frederick Douglass & Rethinking the Fourth

Frederick Douglass gave his famous Fourth of July speech a day late, on July 5, 1852.  The majesty of his oratory matched the solemnity of the occasion: It is the birthday of your National Independence, and of your political freedom. This, to you, is what the Passover...
Routine Maintenance

Routine Maintenance

Standing in front of my mirror, I wipe the sleep from my eyes. Contact lenses in, I go through the motions: I brush my teeth and floss (my dentist would be proud), wash my face and slather on shaving lotion. I place the rechargeable batteries into my cheap electric...
What I learned at an Anime Convention

What I learned at an Anime Convention

Going to my first anime convention, Anime St. Louis, I didn’t quite know what to expect.  I knew there would be special guests from the industry, panels, and numerous people cosplaying as their favorite characters.  And yet I arrived with some hesitations. I started...
Songs of Summer 2016

Songs of Summer 2016

Music should move the mind, the soul, or the body. Taylor Swift for Biblical Literature. Talib Kweli for Catholic Social Teaching. Flatfoot 56 for wrestling practice.  As a first-year theology teacher at Marquette University High School, I frequently employed music,...