Democratic Prophecy

Democratic Prophecy

Recent events have reminded me of Jacques Maritain’s book Man and the State. Therein he makes four points about an obscure topic that is now splashed all over the headlines: democratic prophecy. Prophecy is necessary to democracy. Democracy like every government has a...
Is ‘the Economy’ Stupid?

Is ‘the Economy’ Stupid?

I figured I’d put this at the front: I am not an economic expert. I do hold a Bachelor Degree in Economics and did work (for two years) in the field, but I am especially unqualified to opine on major shifts in economic thought. Since I am not an expert but do know...
Building a Culture of Life

Building a Culture of Life

As the annual March for Life gets underway today in Washington, D.C., people are standing up for both women and the lives of the unborn. Despite the exclusion of NewWave Feminists as co-sponsors at the Women’s March, many pro-life women and men demonstrated alongside...
Who Are We Racing Against?

Who Are We Racing Against?

The beautiful colors of the leaves and the cool tinge in the air make for perfect running conditions. I’m near the end of a nine-mile run, feeling wonderful. Just two miles left to go at a comfortable pace. The measured footfalls hit a rhythm while I simply revel in...
To Watch or Not to Watch

To Watch or Not to Watch

At 12:00pm EST on Friday, January 20th, 2017, Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States of America. I’m sure that the proceedings will be on any number of television channels, to say nothing of live-streams, live-tweeting, and so...
Knowing No

Knowing No

Peace is only found in yes. The plain but powerful mantra was glowing – almost vibrating – off a photocopied page from some collection of pithy spiritual one-liners. I was beginning a retreat for busy people – professionals who needed a nudge in the...