Top 12 Signs That It’s Advent

Top 12 Signs That It’s Advent

1. You wish you could remember more than just the first verse of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” via GIPHY   2. You’re in solidarity with Mary because of your Thanksgiving-to-Christmas food baby. via GIPHY   3. You’re trying to stay in the spirit of Advent while...
HIV, Advent, and Inclusion

HIV, Advent, and Inclusion

I rarely have to think about what it must be like to be HIV+. Like many others, I grew up in a community where I knew no one who was HIV+ or had died from AIDS. My exposure was the RENT soundtrack. And seeing the film, I couldn’t really understand what the reality of...
On Making Friends

On Making Friends

“So. Um. Would you wanna…hang out…sometime?” I take a drink of the brown lager in front of me, feigning interest at college football showing on the screen above the bar. It’s my attempt at playing it cool and calm even though my insides are frazzled. I’m trying...
One Word at a Time: NaNoWriMo and Advent?

One Word at a Time: NaNoWriMo and Advent?

A funny thing happens every November called NaNoWriMo—everyday people attempt to write a 50,000 word novel over the course of the month. And, strange as it might sound, the process has a lot of connections with the upcoming season of Advent. Since November is a busy...
How This is Home

How This is Home

“Your room is a lot smaller than it looked,” said my parents when they sat down on the chair I FaceTime them from every Sunday night. “Yeah? Well, check out this view.” After two and a half years of FaceTiming from South Dakota to Wisconsin, my parents came to visit....