A Woman’s Place is in Her Union

A Woman’s Place is in Her Union

Haga clic aquí para español. Take a quick glance at the website for the UNITE HERE! labor union and you’ll see a number of issues focused on women – #MeToo, workplace discrimination, and fighting sexual harassment. You’ll find materials on protecting families...
El Lugar de una Mujer es en su Sindicato

El Lugar de una Mujer es en su Sindicato

Click here for English. Revisa el sitio web del sindicato UNITE HERE! (“¡Únete aquí!”) y encontrarás una serie de problemas centrados en las mujeres: #MeToo, la discriminación en el lugar de trabajo y la lucha contra el acoso sexual. Encontrarás materiales sobre la...
Alfie Evans, RIP

Alfie Evans, RIP

The sad case of Alfie Evans divided the Catholic world like nothing else of late – which is saying something. Commentators disagreed on the bio-ethics of the case. Some argued that the Church “does not teach that every possible recourse must be taken to preserve...
God’s Plan by Drake

God’s Plan by Drake

Drake is everywhere. He’s taped inside circles of red and pink hearts on middle school girls’ binders. He’s booming from transistor radios at a juvenile detention center. His voice glides above waves of bass as college players warm up for NCAA soccer matches. Then...
Build the Wall

Build the Wall

(Haga clic aqui para espanol.) BUILD THE WALL!!! Let’s do it. Let’s build the wall. You know what I’m talking about. Yes, THAT wall. The one between Mexico and the United States that Trump has been shouting about since the election season. More recently, he has...
Build the Wall

Construyamos el Muro

(Click here for English.) ¡CONSTRUYAMOS EL MURO! ¡Hagámoslo! ¡Construyamos el muro! Sabes de que estoy hablando, ¿verdad? Sí, ese muro. El muro entre México y los Estados Unidos del que Trump ha estado gritando desde las elecciones. Recientemente, ordenó que las...