When There’s Nothing To Say

When There’s Nothing To Say

I haven’t had anything to say for months, so I haven’t written anything. I’m certain I’m not the only one out there who’s been at a loss for words. The world is filled with complicated and challenging realities these days, and I should speak up. I should have clear...
Blessed are the Anonymous

Blessed are the Anonymous

I had no idea who this Jesuit was. But now, I can’t stop thinking about him. I always love hearing about new Jesuit saints. Whenever I get an email saying that a Jesuit is about to be named a saint (or named “blessed,” the step before sainthood) I get excited. I love...
A Mother’s Devotion

A Mother’s Devotion

What’s repetitive, long and boring? If you answered the Rosary, you wouldn’t be alone. The Rosary is perhaps the most popular of Catholic devotions. Though many speak of its wonders and its power, others are less than enthusiastic, viewing the Rosary as dry,...
October Sports Fever

October Sports Fever

October is in full swing, and the sporting world is going bonkers! The leaves are changing color, the air is cooling, and we are all getting our chance to wear our favorite hoodies and sweaters. These autumn vibes spell the beginning of the finest two months in sports...