TJP Reads: Book Recommendations of 2018 and 2019

TJP Reads: Book Recommendations of 2018 and 2019

Have you read the good news? Despite the rise of online book sellers and a seeming fight-to-the-death brought on by e-books, independent bookstores and printed books are on the rebound! This is stellar news, as books are vital to both the health of our society and our...
“I Don’t Love My Country”

“I Don’t Love My Country”

“I don’t love my country. I just can’t love the United States.” That’s what a man next to me said on a plane from San Juan, Puerto Rico. He went on to share about his move to San Juan, his love for Puerto Rican culture, his hatred for Donald Trump, his shame for...
The Christmas Hunger

The Christmas Hunger

When I first heard the song Hunger by Florence and the Machine, I was arrested by the opening lines: At seventeen, I started to starve myself I thought that love was a kind of emptiness And at least I understood then the hunger I felt And I didn’t have to call...