During Holy Week we enter into Christ’s Passion. Let us be like Simon of Cyrene and spent this time close to Jesus by helping to carry the cross. Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on this encounter with Jesus in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the...
We all have a calling from God – a vocation. On this Feast of the Annunciation, Christopher Alt, SJ, explores Mary’s own vocation story through Botticelli’s art. All of us have a calling from God – a vocation. On today’s Feast of the Annunciation, we...
What does it mean to be like a grain of wheat? Hunter D’Armond, SJ, reflects on those whose selflessness gives life to others. Based on the readings for Sunday, March 21, 2021. The key to happiness? Be a grain of wheat! Hi, I’m Hunter D’Armond and this is my...
“God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son…not to condemn the world, but to save it.” Matt Stewart, SJ, reflects on Jesus’ call to step into the light. Based on the readings for Sunday, March 14, 2021. Can we get some light in here? Oh! Too bright!...
Why does Jesus get upset with people in the Temple? They keep missing the point. Christopher Alt, SJ, reflects on the need to keep our focus so that we don’t miss what (or who) is right in front of us. Based on the readings for Sunday, March 7, 2021. Thou shall...