The genealogy of Jesus reveals a long line of sinners and saints. Jesus’ family line reminds us that no matter where we come from, God calls us all to take part in God’s beautiful plans for the world. Based on the readings for Christmas. You ever think that your...
Before we celebrate Christmas, we reflect on the Annunciation in this week’s gospel. Austin Kleman, SJ, takes us through an exercise of imagining Mary at the Nativity as she recalls all that has taken place. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 24, 2023. Before...
John the Baptist knew who he was through Christ and he used his very self to point others to Christ. Deacon Tom Elitz, SJ, reflects on John’s example and how we might find our own identity in and through Christ. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 17, 2023....
The Gospel of Mark doesn’t have an Infancy Narrative, but instead gets right into the action. Fr. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects on the urgency of this gospel and reminds us that we don’t need to wait to prepare for the Lord. Based on the readings for Sunday, December 10,...
When we can’t be near those that we love, we try to keep in touch and look forward to when we see them again. William Manaker, SJ, reminds us that our relationship with Jesus is no different. Based on the readings fur Sunday, December 3, 2023. If we keep in touch with...