Jesus was human, not superhuman | One-Minute Homily

by | Apr 14, 2024 | One-Minute Homily

After Jesus’s resurrection, he appears to the disciples doing simple things like eating a piece of baked fish. Carlos Martínez-Vela reflects on how Jesus teaches us to be human. Based on readings for the Third Sunday of Easter.

Jesus was human, not superhuman.

Hi, I am Carlos Martínez-Vela, and this is my one-minute reflection.

In today’s Gospel, we encounter Jesus in his body. When he appears to the disciples, they think he is a ghost. In response, Jesus says “touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.” 

He shows them his wounds. He is hungry. He asks for food. He eats a piece of baked fish. 

Yes, Jesus is the Son of God. And yes, he did things that we cannot understand and only come to know by faith. But he draws near to us and invites us to know him in his humanity. Today, let “our minds be open” to understanding that Jesus was not superhuman. Let us rejoice because he is fully human, like you and me. And as a human, he teaches us how to be human.


Carlos Andrés Martínez Vela, SJ   /   All posts by Carlos Andrés
