by David Inczauskis, SJ and Mark Mackey, SJ | Oct 8, 2019 | Spirituality ~ Approx. 2min
The Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises is all about getting to know Jesus. Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, guides us through how we get to know Jesus as a role model and a friend in this week’s episode of the Intro to the Spiritual Exercises. Who’s somebody that you...
by Christopher Alt, SJ | Sep 18, 2019 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 4 mins
A confession: If, when it is all over, when all is said and done, and I am six feet under, dead and buried, the last clump of dirt is cast over my simple, pine coffin, and I somehow come to find out that there is no God after all, I am going to be royally pissed. ...
by Billy Critchley-Menor, SJ | Sep 11, 2019 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 4 mins
A few years ago, a Jesuit friend of mine bought me a holy card of Blessed Solanus Casey and put it under my door during a silent retreat. On the back of the holy card was a quotation from the Capuchin friar from Detroit that read: “Worry is a weakness from which very...
by Jake Braithwaite, SJ | Sep 4, 2019 | Blogs ~ Approx. 6 mins
It was the first cold-ish night of the year, and we were bundled up. As members of the Labre Homeless Ministry, we knew that our evening walk around downtown Chicago could feel much colder than the weather reports predicted. Labre is a work of the Loyola University...
by Chris Williams, SJ | Aug 1, 2019 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 4 mins
The sun shone brightly on the green Cottonwood trees as I drove through the Wisconsin countryside. With a long drive ahead, and the radio set to gentle classical music, I found myself wanting to pray. As I began, my mind drifted to the past week I had spent with some...