by Chris Williams, SJ | Apr 21, 2020 | Blogs, Spirituality ~ Approx. 2min
God, I don’t love you how you love me. I can’t, more exactly. Can’t seem to give a love That’s unconditional. I love what you have given me- Absolutely yes. Those times where you overwhelmed my heart, Throbbing in my chest. Your grace like a warm breeze Blowing...
by Brian Strassburger, SJ | Apr 17, 2020 | Faith & Family, Prayers, Spirituality ~ Approx. 3 mins
“Watching the liturgy on a screen just isn’t the same experience.” I have heard many people speak this honest reflection over the past few weeks. And it’s true! Of course it’s not the same experience, and it can’t be. That’s part of what is making this extended...
by Damian Torres-Botello, SJ | Apr 1, 2020 | Blogs, Lent, Prayers, Spirituality ~ Approx. 2min
Dear One, Thank You for this day. For waking me up. For inviting me to move about as I have thus far. For the way you help me carry on. For the hope of more life to experience tomorrow. You are always generous and loving, and so I offer up my abilities and my...
by The Jesuit Post | Mar 20, 2020 | Current Events, In the News, Prayers, Spirituality ~ Approx. 2 mins
In the saga of national emergencies there was always an outlet. Locations to release tensions and fears. Places to escape and find momentary respite from the real. Spaces to process and understand the world at hand. You see it in movies sometimes. People running to...
by Ryan Birjoo, SJ | Mar 19, 2020 | Current Events, Faith & Family, Global Catholicism, In the News, Prayers, Religious Life, Spirituality ~ Approx. 3 mins
The last month has brought a global pandemic that has challenged the narratives of our busy lives. COVID-19 is forcing many of us to take a step back from our daily routines as we try to prevent its spread. Many of the moments that we expected to share, from March...