by Patrick Hyland, SJ | Jun 15, 2022 | Film, Pop Culture ~ Approx. 4 mins
I was reading the very first pages of Martin Hengel’s book Studies in Early Christianity for Christology class, and all I could think of were the aliens from the movie Toy Story. The hypnosis of the aliens regarding the claw, seems comical. They cannot see past it. It...
by Brent Otto, SJ | May 18, 2020 | In the News, Signs of Easter ~ Approx. 4 mins
Only two weeks remain in the Easter season, but for many of us we may still be waiting to feel the joy of celebrating Christ’s resurrection. It is the greatest cornerstone of our faith, and yet where is there new life, hope, triumph over death, and the glory of God in...
by Jeff Ryan Miraflor, SJ | Nov 14, 2019 | Pop Culture, TV ~ Approx. 3 mins
Spoiler Alert: To those who haven’t watched the NBC show, The Good Place, and are planning to watch it one day, this article contains spoilers. If you do watch the show but aren’t fully caught up yet (at least through the beginning of the fourth season), then read on!...
by Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ | Sep 30, 2019 | Faith & Politics, Global Catholicism, Immigration, Justice ~ Approx. 5 mins
The Bible asks me to welcome the stranger. My dad, however, always told me to lock the doors at night. The Bible often exhorts to go above and beyond our duty of giving to others what is due and invites us to love God’s people. However, we still lock our doors at...
by Jayme Stayer, SJ | Feb 22, 2012 | Uncategorized ~ Approx. 6 mins
Editor’s Note: this is the second part of Jayme Stayer’s essay “Sh*t Christian Poets Say.” If you missed part 1 you can read it here. *** Last week in the first section of this essay, I sketched a general picture of the problems of religious...