The Heart Quotient of Mary, and You

The Heart Quotient of Mary, and You

Each year we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the day after we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is this Immaculate Heart of Mary that allowed her to give her “fiat” or her yes to the angel Gabriel. The heart of Mary can...
What SportsCenter Taught Me About God

What SportsCenter Taught Me About God

Growing up, my breakfast usually consisted of Cream of Wheat with sugar while watching ESPN. The small television on top of the fridge was essentially always tuned to that channel, especially for SportsCenter.  It is the sort of show that can be enjoyed while only...
An Advent Examination of Conscience

An Advent Examination of Conscience

Advent is a time for us to examine those parts of our lives that need the light of Christ. What parts of us are still in darkness? Many people when they hear the word “sin” may immediately think of things that have to do with sex.  Have we confined the confessional to...