Hacking A Refrigerator

Hacking A Refrigerator

As a jaded western consumer, I’ve labored long under the delusion that I’d seen it all when it comes to advertising. Last night proved me wrong. In the face of budget shortfalls and ever decreasing usage (honestly, when’s the last time you used a stamp?)...
Conversion Stories: Adapting Woody Allen

Conversion Stories: Adapting Woody Allen

A few days ago on TJP, my pal Joe Simmons asked: why pray? It’s a great question — and you should read what he has to say. But the question takes on a different dimension when asked by folks who are seekers, those looking for God but unsure of what they believe....
“Find a quiet place…”

“Find a quiet place…”

Almost every guide about how to pray I’ve ever read begins with the instruction “Find a quiet place…” including this one from TJP’s own Ryan Duns, SJ.  Of course, finding such silence grows more and more difficult, a fact that’s been brought home...