Ash Wednesday: Sin and Mercy | One-Minute Homily

Today we begin the season of Lent, a time of penance. While it can be uncomfortable to think about our sins, Alex Hale, SJ, reminds us that this is also an opportunity to experience the great love and mercy of God.

How to Celebrate the Easter Triduum at Home

How to Celebrate the Easter Triduum at Home

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, public Church services have been prohibited around the country. But that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the richness of the Easter Triduum this week. Here are some free liturgical guides to celebrating Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday exactly where you are: at home. These liturgical guides are based on the Roman Missal and include prayers, readings, and rituals with easy to follow directions. Download the guides today!
